Faculty Workload Policy

Adopted: 06.06.06

The goal of this document is to clearly articulate the options and responsibilities that each faculty member has and define the nature of a fair and reasonable faculty workload within the guidelines of Article 20, Workload (1b & 1c) of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (MOU) and the Consolidation of Faculty Workload Policy Materials communication dated August 16, 1976 with the attached document "Faculty Workload: Policy and Procedures" dated September 1976 (EP&R 76-36) and Campus Administrative Policies (CAP). Changes in any of these documents will require a reevaluation of this document.

Full-Time Faculty Responsibilities

The following identifies specific expectations for full-time faculty within the architecture department based on the above documents.

Meet all scheduled classroom hours
Preparation of course syllabi for each course taught each quarter
Maintain a minimum of 5 scheduled office hours per week in a designated faculty office
Participation in department and college faculty meetings
Participation in instructional area faculty meetings
Participation in tenured faculty meetings (tenured faculty only)
Student Advising
Working collaboratively with and mentoring colleagues and participation in design studio crits
Report damage of university property to the department within 5 working days (CAP 361.4.5)
Participation in Week of Welcome (WOW) meetings and events (paid work days)
Participate in graduation ceremonies (paid work day)

CSU Faculty Workload Formulas

The CSU formulas used for architecture courses are as follows:

Classification WTUs / Unit Contact Hours / Unit Class Size
Lecture (C-1) 1 1 Unlimited
Lecture (C-2) 1 1 Normal Limit 40
Seminar (C-5) 1 1 Normal Limit 20
Activity (C-7) 1.3 2 Normal Limit 24
Laboratory (C-16) 2 3 Allowable Range 8 - 24

Full-Time Faculty Teaching Assignments

Full-Time Tenured and Probationary faculty will be assigned a maximum of 36 WTUs of teaching per year.

Full-Time Lecturers will be assigned a maximum of 45 WTUs of teaching per year.

Faculty wishing to teach classes in excess of the 36 or 45 WTUs per year maximums may do so on a voluntary basis.

The department will support the goal of Tenured and Probationary faculty teaching one elective course of their choosing each year contingent on staffing and budget constraints associated with mounting the required curriculum. This goal supports students' ability to meet curriculum requirements for professional electives.

Faculty teaching lecture classes exceeding 75 students will receive one student assistant for each such class they teach. Faculty teaching large lectures classes exceeding 120 students with a writing component (e.g., Arch 217, 218, 219) will receive one additional student assistant to support grading the writing component.

Faculty teaching lecture classes exceeding 120 students (e.g., Arch 207, 307, 241, 242, 341, 342, 443, 217, 218, 219, 106) will be assigned additional WTUs equal to the number of WTUs earned by the course up to a maximum of 4 WTUs. Faculty will receive the additional WTUs for only one course per quarter.

Faculty teaching lecture classes with coordination responsibilities associated with attached activities related to design studios (e.g., Arch 207, 307, 241, 242, 341, 342) will receive 2 WTUs of assigned time for coordinating the activities and supporting content integration with the design studios.

Faculty co-teaching interdisciplinary courses in any given quarter will receive 1 WTU of assigned time that quarter for the work required to coordinate and teach with faculty from other departments.

The MOU defines the responsibilities of Tenured and Probationary faculty as including 3 WTUs of instructionally related activities such as committee work per quarter (4 to 9 hours per week), or 3 additional WTUs of teaching. This is a choice that each Tenured and Probationary faculty can make. The Department Head can and should assign additional teaching if a faculty member does not meet their instructionally related activity responsibilities or wishes not to take part in instructionally related activities.

Tenured and Probationary faculty have the option of choosing to take partial Leave Without Pay (LWOP) if they do not want to participate in committee work or teach a full workload as previously defined.

Full- and Part-Time Lecturers are not required or expected to take on instructionally related responsibilities.

Full-Time Faculty Responsibilities as previously defined do not count toward a faculty member meeting their instructionally related activity responsibilities.

Faculty members are encouraged to meet the instructionally related activity requirement through participation on Department, College, and University-level Committees. Service on three committees is a good guide for determining an appropriate level of involvement for full-time Tenured and Probationary faculty.

Lists of committees are available through the Department, College, and Academic Senate. Typical departmental instructionally related activities include but are not limited to:

Chair and Vice-Chair of the Tenured Faculty
Area Coordinator
Curriculum Committee
Peer Review Committees (eligible tenured faculty only)
Search & Screen Sub-Committee
Student Committee or Club Advisor
Off-Campus Program Coordinator
Scholarships & Competitions Committee
Hearst Lecture Series Committee
Employment Equity Facilitator
Minor Coordinator

Each full-time Tenured and Probationary faculty member has the responsibility of submitting a list of their instructionally related activities to the department each quarter.

Area coordinators and the chair of each Architecture Department committee has the responsibility of submitting minutes for each meeting that shall include a list of those in attendance, absent or excused.

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