Curriculum Committee Policy

Adopted: October 2, 2007
Revised: May 9, 2017

Tenured and Probationary Faculty of the Architecture Department of California Polytechnic State University Resolution On The Curriculum Committee

WHEREAS, "Collegial governance assigns primary responsibility to the faculty for the education functions of the institution in accordance with basic policy as determined by the Board of Trustees" ("Report of the Board of Trustees’ Ad Hoc Committee on Governance, Collegiality, and Responsibility in the California State University," in Cal Poly, Academic Programs, "Curriculum Roles and Responsibilities," 1); and

WHEREAS, "The faculty have a professional responsibility to define and offer a curriculum of the highest academic quality" (Ibid., 4); and

WHEREAS, "This professional responsibility cannot, by its very nature, be delegated" (ibid.); and

WHEREAS, "All curricular changes must be presented to, and approved by, the department or program faculty" (Academic Programs, "Curriculum Roles," 5); and

WHEREAS, "During fall quarter, each department should establish a curriculum committee using accepted selection procedures" (ibid.); and

WHEREAS, The Architecture Department would benefit from the involvement of the whole faculty in curriculum development; and

WHEREAS, Service is not a requirement of lecturers; and

WHEREAS, Service is a requirement of the Tenured and Probationary Faculty, who may reasonably be more involved in teaching and scholarship; and

WHEREAS, The Tenured Faculty because of their rank and experience are in a position to exercise leadership in the Department; therefore be it

Resolved: That no changes to the Architecture curriculum shall be made without the approval of the Department Curriculum Committee; and

Resolved: That the Department Curriculum Committee is composed of the Area Coordinators; and

Resolved: That the curriculum areas be defined as First Year Design, Second Year Design, Third Year Design, Fourth Year Design, Fifth Year Design, Environmental Control Systems, History/Theory/Criticism, Practice, and the Graduate Program; and

Resolved: That the Chair of the Curriculum Committee shall be a member of the Tenured Faculty, elected by the Curriculum Committee; and

Resolved: That the Chair shall be responsible for calling meetings; the Chair shall also be responsible for providing agendas and keeping minutes, both of which shall be distributed to the General Faculty in a timely manner; and

Resolved: That the Chair will serve on the College Curriculum Committee along with one other member of the Department Curriculum Committee; and

Resolved: That the Department Head shall be a non-voting ex-officio member of the Curriculum Committee; and

Resolved: That the Committee shall be advised by a non-voting student representative; and

Resolved: That the Curriculum Committee process shall be as follows:

  1. All proposed catalog or curriculum changes, including blanket substitutions and alternatives to existing courses, will be submitted to the Chair of the Committee; and
  2. All proposals will be discussed at a meeting of the General Faculty; and (2) All proposals will be reviewed by the appropriate curriculum area(s); and
  3. The Committee will review all proposals and make a recommendation; and
  4. The Committee’s recommendation will be discussed at a meeting of the General Faculty; and
  5. The Chair of the Committee will present all proposals along with the Committee’s recommendation for review and approval/disapproval by the Tenured and Probationary Faculty.


Updated 05.22.17

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