Carmen Trudell

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Position Professor, Associate Department Head (Fall)
Phone 805.756.4291
Office 21-214
office hours

F23 Monday, Wednesday, & Friday  11:00 am-12:00 pm

       Tuesday & Thursday 1:00-2:00pm 

        or by appointment

Areas of Expertise


Carmen holds a B.Arch from the Architecture Department at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, and an M.S. in Advanced Architectural Design from the School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation, Columbia University, NY. She is currently pursuing a Doctorate of Philosophy at the Center for Architecture, Science and Ecology, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY. She has held a number of academic positions at her alma mater, Columbia University, and most recently taught at the New York City College of Technology, Brooklyn, NY. Carmen comes as well with a wealth of professional experience that spans over fifteen years.

Carmen has conducted extensive research and has received numerous awards and grants. Her current teaching and professional work has been guided by three threads - research, technology, and sustainability. Licensed both in California and New York, she is also a LEED Accredited Professional. Carmen will lend her talent at the undergraduate level in the first year design and in the Environmental Control Systems sequence.


Educational Credentials:

Master of Science in Built Ecologies, Center for Architecture Science and Ecology, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, New York, NY
Master of Science in Advanced Architectural Design, Columbia University, New York, NY 
Bachelor of Architecture, Minor of Philosophy, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, CA

Teaching Experience:

Assistant Professor, Architecture, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, CA
Visiting Assistant Professor, Architecture, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 
Assistant Professor, New York City College of Technology, Brooklyn, NY 
Invited Visiting Critic, Columbia University, New York 
Lecturer, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, CA 

Professional Experience:

Partner, BOTH Landscape & Architecture, San Luis Obispo CA & Charlottesville VA
Architect, Project Manager, SHoP Architects PC, New York, NY
Partner, Fluxxlab, New York, NY
Architect, Associate, RRM Design Group, San Luis Obispo, CA
Field Assistant, Vanir Construction Management, San Luis Obispo, CA


Licensed Architect, California, New York
NCARB Registration
LEED Accredited Professional

Professional Memberships:

Building Technology Educators Society (BTES)
US Green Building Council, Central Coast Chapter


Selected Publications and Recent Research:

  • Humphries, Courtney. 2015. “R&D Awards: Citation: Breathe Brick by BOTH Landscape and Architecture” ARCHITECT magazine. July
  • Stott, Rory. 2015. “This Innovative Brick Sucks Polllution from the Air Like a Vacuum Cleaner” ArchDaily, August 2015.
  • Trudell, Carmen. 2015. “Begin with the City.” Paper presented at the 31st National Conference on Beginning Design Students, Houston, TX, February
  • Trudell, Carmen. 2014. “Dreaming about Bricks: Passive Particulate Filtration with Wall-Embedded Cyclones.” Presented at the International Society for Indoor Air Quality and Climate conference, Hong Kong, July.
  • Trudell, Carmen. 2013. “A Polydisciplinary Journey: From Coffee to Prototype.” Presented at the 2nd International Conference for Design Education Research, Oslo, Norway, May.
  • Trudell, Carmen and Michael Lucas. 2013. “Four Weeks: UFO [I Want to Believe].” Presented at the 29th National Conference on the Beginning Design Student, Philadelphia, PA, April.
  • Trudell, Carmen. 2012. “Remediating Modules: Prefabricated Components for Improving Indoor Air Quality & Content.” Presented at the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture, Off-Site Regional Conference, Philadelphia, PA, September
  • Trudell, Carmen. 2012. “Combined Active, Passive, and Biological Methods for Cleaning Indoor Air.” Masters thesis, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

Selected Activities: 

  • Conference co-host, 32nd National Conference on the Beginning Design Student, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, CA | Theme: 1:1
  • Patent Application for Breathe Brick: System and Method of Air Filtration via Cyclone Separators Enclosed within Exterior Walls, 1st round review complete, filed 2013
  • Academic Year Coordinator: First-Year 2013-14 (Cal Poly), First-Year Fall 2015 (UVA), Second-Year Fall 2014 (UVA)
  • “Improving Air-Quality by Passively Pre-Filtering Particulates from Outdoor Air.” Grant funded by Cal Poly Planning, Design, and Construction Institute. 2012-13
  • Material Innovations Lab Professional Learning Community. Grant Funded by Cal Poly Center for Teaching & Learning. Co-authored with Clare Olsen. 2011-12
  • “Serial Boxes” Exhibition at Mark Horton Gallery in San Franciso, CA. In collaboration with Jeff Ponitz, Clare Olsen, and Mark Cabrinha, 2011

Selected Awards:

  • ARCHITECT Magazine R&D Award, Citation award for Breathe Brick, 2015
  • Architecture Department Faculty Merit Award, 2013-14
  • C3 Green Innovation Award, USGBC Central Coast Chapter, Awarded for Breathe Brick, 2013


Updated 11.01.17

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